It seems so simple. Ask (almost) anyone if they believe that all genders should be perceived as equal and the crowd will holler “YES!!” Ask again if they are feminist and the feet start shuffling, awkward glances are shared, a murmuring starts through the masses.
And here lies the complexity within the simple idea of feminism. Why do people who want equality in politics, in society and in the home refuse to label themselves feminist?
Feminists are angry. Feminists will never have a partner because it’s a turn off. Feminism is pointless. And right there we see the patriarchy.
So let’s break that down.
Feminists are angry. Well, yeah. Ok. You got me there. The patriarchy does not view anger as a “feminine” characteristic. Our patriarchal society teaches girls from a young age that we are to be gentle, compassionate, pleasing and soft. Anger isn’t feminine, it isn’t the docile, placid creatures we are expected to be. Breaking that social norm brings with it it’s own judgement from social structures even when it is a completely normal reaction to injustice.
Feminism is a turn off. I am sure I am not alone in being told at one point from a well meaning friend “you could find a man of you stopped burning your bra for just a moment”. And believe me, my friends I fell down a Reddit hole so deep looking into the that I needed a cup of tea and a good lie down after!!! Feminism IS a turn off. It’s a turn off for Mens Rights Activists who believe that rights are like pie and the more women get the less they do. It’s a turn off for men who are want to keep women submissive. It’s a turn off for men who simply do not understand feminist or find it threatening to their masculinity. In short it’s a turn off for those misogynists that it’s best stay turned off. It screams of the patriarchal concept that a woman’s only value is attracting and keeping a man.
Feminism is done, we have the vote, we have birth control. It’s over. Put your feet up feminists, our work here is done. Except. Women hold less than 30% of positions in the commonwealth parliament despite being 50% of the population. Except. There is still a gender wage gap of 14%. Except. Women from age 15 have a 25% chance of being victims of domestic and sexual violence. And all this JUST in the western world.
Every counterpoint to the modern feminist movement are misconceptions and straw man arguments with only solitary purpose of keeping rich white straight men in power at the cost of our own rights. And not only this but convincing us to wilfully and enthusiastically hand over that control. Yet we stand and we tell them that we see straight through them.